St. Margaret's Bay Gardening Club
Gardeners Helping Gardeners
SMBGC is a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs
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Seedy Saturday March 14, 2020
Updated list for the 14th
Seedy Saturday Vendors
Open at 11:30 - Lower Hall
Speaker Schedule:
Note that Nicole Hubley's
Monarch Butterfly session
is not available. Bee Keeping is upgraded from a Demo to a Presentation.
Atlantic Master Gardeners (info) to be confirmed for the 14th
Annapolis Seeds
Bags for the Planet info on this vendor will be available on the 14th
Body Honour Products
Cochrane Family Farm
Garlic Mountain Farm
Happy Caps Mushrooms
Lee Valley
Phillips Honey and Blueberry Farm
Quackadoodle Farm
Red Barn Market
Secret Gardens by Crystal
Seeds of Diversity (info table)
Square Roots
St. Margaret's Bay Gardening Club (info table)
Stormcast Seaweed (Bear Cove Resources)
Super J Gardening Services
Tantallon Library Seed Library
Taproot Farm
Transition Bay St. Margaret's (info table)
Twisted Brook Farm
Whole Green Heart info on this vendor will be available on the 14th
Yonder Hill Farm
Our first Seedy Saturday!
Climate Victory Gardens
Bob Cervelli, M.Sc.
main sanctuary 12 noon to 1:30
Cannabis Homegrown 101
Av Singh, Ph.D.
main sanctuary 2:30 to 4
Bee Keeping
Philip's Honey and Bee Keeping
upper hall 12 noon to 1:15
Sub Irrigation Planters, Container Gardening
Caitlin Doucette, M.Sc.
upper hall 1:30 to 2:45
Seed Saving in the Vegetable Garden
Chris Sanford, M.Sc.
upper hall 3 to 4
For biographical information on all SPEAKERS, go HERE
Demos - Lower Hall
A lot of the Seedy Saturday information is on the poster below, but if you CLICK on the poster (or on the MENU above - NOTE - on MOBILE DEVICES click on the small bars at the top of the page for the menu) you will arrive at a new page, where you'll find additional info such as the names of our VENDORS and also, a list of DEMOS.
There is also a SCHEDULE of EVENTS so you can plan which SPEAKERS you want to hear.
The bios of all the SPEAKERS are HERE
Presentations will be in main Sanctuary and Upper Hall. Starting at 12 noon.
Vendors and Demos will be in the Lower Hall.
You can go to our SMBGC Facebook page HERE