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St. Margarets Bay Gardening Club

Gardeners Helping Gardeners

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday each month, at 7:00 Sept - Nov/Jan - May

in the meeting room at the Tantallon Library. Please note, this is a new time and a new venue! Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings!

Past Workshops - Pruning Perennials (Oct. 2010)

- Soil pH, Liming and Plant Nutrition (May 2011)

- Starting Seeds and Seedlings - March 2012

Benefits -

If you keep your Membership Card with you, you are eligible!

(if you don't have your card, it will be on the table at the next meeting, or you can contact Paula to get it sooner. Many garden centres offer discounts to members of gardening clubs!

Redmond's Hardware (at the Crossroads) - 10% off all Laguna pond supplies

FREE workshops put on by the club Opportunities to order Perennials, Compost, Trees and Shrubs through Club bulk orders.

more benefits to come! Attend the NSAGC Convention at a reduced rate. Their link is on our home page.

Workshops - Three workshops are coming in the spring 2013... Pruning, Creating a Living Wreath and Tool Sharpening. Stay tuned for dates and more info. These are only for paid members.

FREE WORKSHOPS for our paid members - our membership is only $15.00 - The fee is not pro-rated, but it is always to your benefit to join!

On Saturday, March 23rd, from 10am to noon, the St. Margaret's Bay Gardening Club will be holding a free Tool Sharpening Workshop for paid SMBGC Members. Mr. Andrew Lowe from Lee Valley Tools will be presenting the workshop at St. Luke's United Church in Upper Tantallon (entrance at rear of building on lower level). Andrew will break down the procedure of sharpening into a 5 step process.

Identify EdgeType /Clean /Sharpen /Adjust & Lube. Attendance at this event is restricted to SMBGC members only and seating is limited to 20. Andrew is allowing each attendee to bring in one tool for sharpening and he said that the more difficult the edge the better. To reserve your spot for this workshop, please email (note - you may have to cut and paste the address to your e-mail "to" line.) With seating limited to 20 people, if you're sharp you'll want to get your request in early.

Tool Sharpening! was held on

March 23rd

Coming up Next! Pruning!

Lloyd Mapplebeck's Spring Pruning Workshop is taking place this Sunday, May 5th from 2-4 pm at the Tantallon Pubic Library. Lloyd is an associate professor at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Plant and Animal Science.

While we won't be venturing outside, Lloyd will be bringing plant specimens to demonstrate pruning techniques. Guaranteed that if you are shy about using the shears, you will gain confidence by attending this workshop.

Light refreshments will be served.

Creating a Living Wreath

Stay tuned for:-

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